Volumetrics – With its native CloudFx and PyroFx toolsets, Houdini can create clouds, smoke and fire simulations.Rendering – Houdini ships with SideFX's rendering engines Mantra and Karma Houdini Indie licence and up support 3rd party rendering engines, such as Renderman, Octane, Arnold, Redshift, V-ray, Maxwell(soon).

Lighting – node-based shader authoring, lighting and re-lighting in an IPR viewer.Dynamics – Rigid Body Dynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Wire Dynamics, Cloth Simulation, Crowd simulation.Animation – Keyframed animation and raw channel manipulation (CHOPs), motion capture support.Modeling – All standard geometry entities including Polygons, (Hierarchical) NURBS/Bézier Curves/Patches & Trims, Metaballs.Houdini covers all the major areas of 3D production, including these: